Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ding dong the deck is done, the deck is done.

The deck is done and so am I, Oliver out....

Changes to the kitchen nearing completion

Finally, close to being able to clean the sheet rock duct for the last time.  Next up, decisions whether to put wainscott up on the exterior wall. Or we might just trim out the windows and surrounding molding with old exterior siding we've salvaged and restored.  Either way we're just about to put this behind us.  Thank Christ.

After that I 'll do some on the job training on laying hard wood flooring. 

The pantry/laundry room and bedroom walk in closet is also complete minus the hardwood flooring.  I'm going to practice/learn with the flooring in the will be hidden with the clothes.

And it keeps spreading wider

Like a middle aged persons hips

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hers is bigger than mine

I just noticed it's been a month since I last posted something.  Lots has been happening but I've been slow to take the pictures to document the changes.  And let's face it, no one just wants to read what I have to say. 

So for now I will jump around a little bit and show you some picutres of the start of the barn and of garage.  Truth be told the garage has been completed to about 95%.  My issue is I should have started the garage after the barn was almost complete as the barn seems to dwarf the garage in size.  Hers is bigger than mine.

So that's hers, and this is mine.  It's a good thing I 'm not the sort of husband who's afflicted with a Napoleon complex with penis envy.

The last four weeks has also seen major changes internally with the house. These changes will be uploaded to this rambling diatribe this weekend.  A deck has been built and we've managed to stay married.  11 years tomorrow.  We may go out and see the locals dirt track race.  How romantic is that?  Get covered in dirt, watch the locals in the grandstands act like a Jerry Springer audience, an eat some food prepared a week earlier.  Priceless.

That's what you get when yours is bigger than mine.  Oliver out (in the dog house)